Thursday, 30 March 2017

Magazine Draft 4

Here you can see my fourth and hopefully final draft for my magazine review. After receiving some feedback on my previous draft through my survey and within small focus groups, I made some changes. The text itself has been altered slightly to make it all sound like more of a real review, and I've also added a sidebar that features some of my fellow students work. 

Reflective Comment:
As a whole, I am very happy with this draft and hope that this can be my final and finished version. It features everything from the reviews on IndieWire and I have mirrored the design to make it like virtually the same.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Feedback from Young Chamber Event

Last night there was a young chamber event where we were able to display our work along with the surveys that we had created. I used this as a further way to get feedback, and displayed my poster on the media board (top left) along with print outs of my surveys and laptops with the links to them. This shows another way I received feedback on my ancillary tasks.

Reflective Comment:
Taking advantage of this event was a good idea and has helped me to receive further feedback on my poster. It has also meant that I've received a more wide range of opinions from different groups of people which is also good as it creates more of a range within my survey results. 

Friday, 24 March 2017

Magazine Review and Film Poster Feedback

After creating two surveys for my film poster and magazine review, I've decided to summarise the results in one post and talk about the feedback I got. Below, you can see two slideshare's, the first with the film poster results and the second with the magazine.

I am happy with the amount of feedback I have got from both of my surveys and they have helped me see what needs changing and editing. When looking at the results, I can see that most people who filled out the surveys were of the younger generation with ages mostly between 15 - 21. This is a good starting point for me as these type of age groups are exactly the type of people I want to aim my general work at and so their feedback is good for me.
As for the actual in depth questions, they all seem very positive;

My first question after answering about your gender and age was 'do you think the poster looks realistic', to which the majority answered 'yes' with one person saying 'I don't know'. This is very positive for me because it means that when people first look at my poster the see it as they would any other film poster, and it also means that the design of it is good. The next question then asks whether they like the poster, and if they think the look of it represents a thriller/horror film. Most people answered yes to both of these questions which is again very good for me, especially in saying that the poster relates to the genre I have chosen. The final question then asks whether or not anything should be changed. From looking at the results, I can see that most people said no, with a few mentioning that the text at the bottom could be a bit clearer and others suggesting I add a studio ident or a trending hashtag for the film. These are good suggestions for me, and with this feedback I can now go on and make these changes to hopefully make what will be a final draft.

With the magazine review, after asking about gender and age I asked the same questions as with the poster; 'does it look realistic', and 'does it look interesting'. Like with the poster, the majority of people answered 'yes' to these questions which again shows that the design of my review appears as real as an actual one, while people also think the design I've created looks interesting at first glance. I then asked whether or not they could read the text, as I'd been a bit worried about whether it was blurry or not. However, everyone who answered my survey said 'yes' to this question which is good for me and means I don't have to worry about the look of the text. The final question of my survey then asks what I can do to improve it. Most people were unsure about what to change, the main suggestions were to try and make it stand out more while one person said the text did appear slightly blurry. These are good suggestions, and I can now create another draft that will hopefully be the final one with the feedback I have gained being added.

Reflective Comment:
Getting some feedback for both of my ancillary tasks has been very useful for me as I can now act on this feedback to make my drafts better and closer to being completely finished. To improve, I could have asked more questions on the tasks however I felt that it was best to keep them brief to encourage more people to do it, and a lot of questions could have put some people off. With this feedback I can now move on further and look to finish everything off.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

The Stranger Draft 3

After extra editing and a few changes I have produced a third draft for my short film 'The Stranger'. It is embedded below:

Reflective Comment:
With the film now getting closer to being finished, my next plan is to get some feedback on it which will then mean I have feedback on all three of my tasks making my evaluation questions easier to talk about and moving me further forward. As a whole, I am very happy with my film and as you can from my previous drafts on my blog (here and here), it has come a long way and many things have been changed and edited to bring it all together.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Magazine Draft Questionnaire

Now that I have created a completed draft for my magazine review, I have decided to do exactly what I did with the poster and begin getting some feedback on it so I can decide if anything needs to be changed with the help from other peoples opinions. Below is the embedded survey along with the draft of my questionnaire.

Create your own user feedback survey

Reflective Comment:
As with the poster, this post shows how I've created a questionnaire to collect results on what people think about my magazine review at first glance, and after reading it. This will help me understand what needs changing and also give me a variety of view points with ideas I may not have already considered. To improve this, I could have included more questions within the survey but I feel that it is best to keep the questions brief and to the point to increase the chances of people doing it.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Magazine Draft 3

Now that I have done a few drafts containing the text of my magazine review, I've decided to take it a step further and format it as a the website I based it on, which is IndieWire. As you can see, I took the basic layout of Indie Wire and changed the titles and pictures to help fit my film. This is draft 3, and may turn out to be final draft after I have gotten some feedback on it.
Reflective Comment:
I have moved myself forward massively by creating a third draft for my magazine review, and I am happy that I have formatted it the right way to match the website I decided to base it on. I think that this review works well and looks believable to any readers. To make it better as whole, I could possibly add more photos or change the text slightly, and after I have received my feedback I plan to act on what is said.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Film Poster Questionairee

After working on my poster for a while, I've decided that the best idea now is to create a survey to get some feedback on it so that I can get an idea on what people's opinions are when they see it. I've embed the survey below, along with the poster that they reviewed:

Create your own user feedback survey

Reflective Comment:
My next steps with this is to share the poster and survey through all of my social media to ensure I can receive as many as responses as possible. I am also going to ask my family and friends to fill it out to give me as many responses as I can get. I think that with the results I will be able to see what people's initial reaction to seeing my poster is, which will help me to improve it and make it stand out even more. On the other hand, I may find that the results are all possible and very little needs to be changed.