Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Film Plot Update

After presenting my pitch to the class about my ideas for my short film, I've actually had some more ideas and decided to change the plot of my film slightly. As I mentioned in the pitch, I want to make my film modern so it is more understood by a younger generation, and to do this I'm going to involve the use of social media in my film. The film will follow a teenage character who begins to talk to someone on their computer that they've met through an online chat site. They will then arrange to meet up with this person and then realise that it is in fact not the person they've been talking for the last few days. They will then be murdered or attacked by this stranger. I think that this plot will work better for the audience I want to aim my film at, as the theme of it is very modern because it involves the use of social media which is more of a normality for teenagers then older people.

Reflective Comment:
This post was the next logical step for me in order to make my blog progress. I'd of liked to have included these ideas in my presentation to the class about my initial ideas but I didn't have time to add them. Adding this post now means I can go into doing research into films similar to the one I want to create and start to develop my plot in more detail.

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