For my final production, I'd really like to edit text messages/online messages onto the screen just as you can see from the images here. Because my film has a very modern theme, I think that this feature would enhance that modern theme and make the young audiences relate to the film more. It would also be very useful when it comes to the character development of Tom, the boy that Clare meets online. By the messages he sends her appearing as an extra on the screen, rather than having to show her laptop screen, the audience will also be able to see her reaction to each message as they are sent. Although this is a good idea for my production, the process of doing it well could be challenging. From looking online, I've found that one of the best ways to do this is through Adobe After Effects.
However, this is not a free tool, and would cost a fair amount of money to do. Because of this, I'm going to look at doing it in more simple ways, such as through iMovie. Having said this, I don't want to do it without it looking real, so when the editing process comes around I plan to look in more detail about ways to do this.
Reflective Comment:
Coming up was this idea was something that has helped my visualise my film in my head a lot more. I'm really keen to do more research into this when it comes to the editing process, and will definitely look into how I can make this happen in my production. To improve this task, I could of included some of the research I did into the Adobe programs that help make these text effects possible. Having said this, I did mention in the post about the Adobe After Effects and the cost, I when I come back to do more in depth research on this editing technique I will be sure to include it then.
This is a good idea and will fit nicely with your concept. Have you spoken to Mr Kettle? He might have an idea as to how you can achieve the effect.