Monday, 31 October 2016

Film Poster Initial Ideas

I've now started to look at my ancillary products, and began thinking about what kind of things my poster needs to have to meet conventions. Because the poster and magazine article aren't worth as many marks as the main production, I don't want to spend as long on them. However, I must still plan them well and think about how to gain maximum marks on them.
As you can see from the screenshot above, there are a series of different posters from a variety of different films with different genres. To find these posters, I simply went onto Google images and typed in 'film posters'. These are the first ones that came up. From looking at these, I can note down some conventions that occur on each one:
  • The main character/s are nearly always on show as the centre of the poster.
  • The background of the poster usually relates to the main location of the film.
  • The font style is considered and used in relation to the themes and genres of the film.
  • The actors named who featured in the film are somewhere on the poster, along with the release date of the film.
For my poster I'm going to match these conventions, as well as adding something to try and make people realise my film is modern just from looking at it. Because the plot from my film is built around the conversations my main character has with someone online, I'm going to look at including some sort of computer related image onto the poster. Below, you can see one of the posters for the film 'The Matrix' and 'Untraceable', which is all about the idea of computer coding. I could use something similar on my poster to represent the use of computers in my film.

Reflective Comment:
As a starting point for my ancillary tasks, this post was very needed to begin talking about the initial ideas and research I'd come up with and done to begin thinking about the poster. Although this post appears quite basic, I only intended it to be a rough idea on some of the things I had thought about with the ancillary tasks. My next plan in relation to the poster is to decide exactly how I'm going to create it and carry out some research on the best ways to do this.

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