Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Film Magazine Review Initial Ideas

This post will look at some initial ideas for the film magazine review as the second ancillary task for my A2 course. Again, I don't want to spend too long on these tasks as they don't award me as many marks as the final production will. Having said this, I still want to ensure that I do these tasks to the best of my ability to earn maximum marks. Below are some film magazine reviews I've looked at online, and like the poster I have listed some of the typical conventions from the reviews.
To find these posters I also went onto Google images and typed 'film magazine review', and above is the screenshot of the first pictures. They are of a mix of different genres, because I just want to start by looking at the typical conventions of the reviews:
  • Either a big picture or lots of little ones from the film are shown either around the writing or in the middle of the page.
  • The reviews typically are read across two A4 pages (A3 landscape).
  • There are usually quotes either from the film, actors or directors.
  • Title of the film in a large bold font to stand out.
Looking at the conventions has allowed me to understand how I should lay out my film magazine review. I plan to follow these conventions when making mine, but adapting it to suit my type of film. For example, because I'm aiming my production at a modern younger audience, I could include a lot of website addresses or social media links for people to follow as the younger generation will be more heavily reliant on technology and the use of social media in their day to day life.

Reflective Comment:
Like the initial ideas for the poster, this was a good starting point for the magazine review. Again, this post appears brief and without in depth detail, but like the poster it was just intended to be a base starting point to talk about the starting research I have done. I plan to analyse how a film magazine review is done in more detail soon and do some research into the best way to create my own.

1 comment:

  1. A good start. You will also need to analyse the language used in the articles and the mode of address.
